No. We only carry genuine parts produced directly by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Every part comes with the manufacturer’s warranty.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

Yes. We use the latest security and encryption technology to make sure your information stays private. We will never share or sell your data to anyone.

You can find our Privacy Policy here and our Terms of Use here.

You will see “In Stock” if the part can ship within 1 business day. If you don’t see the part you are looking for, just send us a text message or email for confirmation.

Since we only sell genuine OEM parts specifically designed for your truck, we avoid generic one-size-fits-all products. In some cases people will search online with general keywords like “transmission rebuild kit,” and Google will try to match what it thinks they want with one of our promoted products. But we strongly recommend verifying the part number before you purchase to ensure the part is the right one for your truck.

If you’re still unsure or don’t know the part number, please contact us and we’ll help you sort it out.

If you received the wrong part for any reason, we’ll help you get the part returned quickly.


Yes. The shipping charges vary by weight and size. You can find the shipping charges for your order during the checkout process.

Occasionally there will be additional shipping charges for overweight or very large parts. In those cases we will contact you to confirm the additional shipping charges prior to charging your credit card or other form of payment.

We ship most parts via UPS. Sometimes we will use other carriers if necessary.

Once we send your order out for shipment, we will send you a confirmation email with a tracking number and instructions.

Please contact us by phone or email and we will sort it out for you.

We fulfill all orders received by 5:00pm EST in 1 business day. Our order fulfillment includes retrieving the part from the warehouse, physical QA inspection, packing, and shipping documentation. We occasionally experience longer than normal processing time due to unforeseen issues with our network of warehouses across the United States. Those delays may add an extra day to the fulfillment time or a delay between fulfillment and shipping. If there is a delay for any reason we will contact you right away.
Shipping times will vary based on your selection at checkout. Refer to your tracking number in the shipping confirmation email for real time updates while the part is in transit.

We do not offer weekend fulfillment and shipping at this time. However, we understand sometimes you need your part sooner. For urgent or special requests, please call us to get a quote.

Please call or email us and we will help you with returning the part free of charge.

Please contact us by phone or email and we’ll be happy to answer your question.


Please contact us by phone or email and we’ll be happy to process your cancellation. However, if you cancel after the order has been processed, you will be charged a 15% restocking fee. Once an order has shipped, it cannot be cancelled.

You will find our customer service information here.


You will find our Return and Exchange policy here.

You will find our Return and Exchange policy here.

You have up to 30 days from the date you receive your item to return it.

You will find our Return and Exchange policy here.



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